Cade Larson, One Of The Most Powerful Men In The Vaccine Choice Movement, Has Cancer (Update: Cade No Longer Has Cancer!)
Edit: Cade Larson HAD cancer. He has recovered.
Original Post:
Jennifer Larson of The Holland Center, The Canary Party, and Health Choice has shared that her beloved son Cade has advanced cancer. Cade is 21, he has vaccine induced autism with severe communication impairment, and has only recently had his world and his relationships open more broadly through the Spell to Communicate method, starting college classes last fall.
It has been a shock to learn that he has testicular non pure seminoma cancer that has advanced into his lungs and kidneys.
Today Cade is recovering from surgery, and will begin chemo and alternative therapies tomorrow. Jennifer will be completely focused on him until until he is healed.
For more than a decade Jen has done selfless, intense, and impactful work on behalf of both our affected loved ones, and the entire medical freedom movement. Everything from providing individual treatment to children, to bringing members of Congress into our fold. Most of the work she does is out of the spotlight, and I can attest to the fact that everyone impacted by autism, vaccine injury, and vaccine mandates owe her more thank yous than they will ever know. We can pay her back now with loving, positive, and encouraging support by giving her the two things she has asked for:
1. Prayer for Cade. Aggressive, frequent, and passionate pleas to God for his healing.
2. Sending her all the information on alternative cancer treatments and alternative medical providers we can think of so she is assured of being able to consider every avenue possible for his healing. Respond to this and we will make sure she sees it.
Our love for our special needs children has inspired us to set aside many of the life long ambitions that we have had in order to serve them and protect others from sharing their difficult fate. Cade's mother's love for him has driven her to to become one of the leading change agents in our movement, creating and supporting multiple companies, coalitions, platforms, projects, and people in order to advance our rights and our children's health.
When you look at the most prolific activists in our movement, you are often seeing someone who is merely in the employ of the child they love. Those children are so powerful that they force their caregivers and loved ones to turn their lives and careers upside down for them without ever making such a request. Most will never understand the impact that they have on the world because of how deeply they are loved.
The true and uncredited power behind this Substack, and every advocacy effort I have undertaken, is Chandler Taylor. I am just his puppet.
Cade Larson is of the most powerful men in our movement. Please pray earnestly for his total recovery from cancer.
Please forward and share this widely.
I am so shocked to hear this…..I would be reaching out to Ty and Charlene Bollinger……..They know almost everyone in this space….
Cannabis oil is a powerful cancer treatment. For some background, check out the documentary "Run from the Cure".